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Player Registration

Spring Registration Is Live!

Registration Link
2025 Spring registration is LIVE for 7/8 graders!

Seniors - 7th - 8th Graders
The cost is $600 for incoming 7th—8th graders. This covers a Hat, Jersey, Shirt, 16-20 season games, and the post-season.

Weekend Tournament Cost
Depending on the number and the cost of tournaments, plan on an additional $250 - $550 throughout the season.

Scholarships/Finacial Aid
Players may be eligible for financial assistance via THPRD. Simply submit your application! Financial assistance is kept private between the family and the Mountainside JBO board. Please get in touch with us if you need any help or have questions.

Registration fees are fully refundable if we are unable to place a player with a team or we are unable to field a particular team due to lower-than-expected player numbers.

Season Dates
Season Games: Mid/End April to End of June
Districts: Early July
State: Mid-July


Coaching Interest Form
Link: Coaching Form

We are always looking for coaching volunteers. If you have coached in the past or even if you haven't, please consider submitting your interest in coaching. We are a volunteer-run competitive league.

2025 Winter Workouts


Winter Workout registration is LIVE for 7/8 graders!

 When: From January to February, we'll focus on batting and pitching two days a week.  

Wednesdays: D-Bat

Sundays: Bat Zone

Cost: $150

This is an excellent opportunity to keep sharp and build skills so that your player can hit the ground running for the upcoming season. Our MSJBO coaches will lead the sessions.  




We invite your player to come and play an advanced brand of baseball with Mountainside JBO this spring! We are excited that due to popular demand from families and players residing in the Mountainside High School district, the league will be growing exponentially this spring season!

Although the goal of Mountainside JBO is to place ALL players who wish to play in our program onto teams for the Spring season, we will aim to have the optimal number of players on each team (11-12 ideal/max for Federal level; 12 ideal/max for American; 13-14 for National).  Unfortunately, this does present at times when players are cut based on evaluation scores. When this happens we do our best to help a player find a home at a neighboring JBO. 

While we know many people wait until late to register, please know players must be evaluated to be placed on a team. Any players who are not placed on a team will be granted a full refund, per our refund policy.


To place registered players on a team at the level best suited to their skills & playing ability, mandatory evaluations will take place at the close of registration.   Once evaluations are completed (early to mid-February) and teams are formed per division and skill level, practices commence.  Regular Westside JBO season games have typically started in late April and run through late June. If a team qualifies for the District Playoffs, those games will generally be held in July (to be determined by Westside JBO). The top teams from Districts will qualify for State, which takes place directly after Districts.  We will keep you updated on any changes to the start and final dates, as news from the governing bodies dictates. 


The spring registration fees include the following items:

  • Regular season JBO-sanctioned games- These games will be played against teams in the Westside JBO district and are played on weekdays, with the potential for make-up games landing on free weekends (18-20 total in a normal year). 
  • Uniform (hat and game jersey)
  • JBO Postseason play (including District and/or State Tournaments) is also included, based on how a team performs during the season and/or how far they advance.
  • THPRD field use for games and practices

***NOTE:   Unless specified, our registration does NOT include regular season tournaments.    One of the chief benefits of JBO is the ability to extend play into weekend tournaments-- since JBO games are played during the week, the majority of our JBO teams will play in multiple weekend tournaments.  These could include tournaments hosted by other JBO teams, Northwest Nations, or WCPas tournaments (where private club teams play).  These tournament fees will be collected by the coaches at the time of tournament registration.  These fees could range from $200-500 total, depending on what tournaments the coach selects, plus additional travel logistics and costs.  Please understand that by registering, you are committing to any tournaments the team is signed up for; otherwise, the team could have a depleted roster and be unable to play, negatively affecting the other players.


THPRD scholarship assistance is available. Also, if your family needs a customized payment plan (outside of what is currently offered) or assistance above what THPRD can provide, please contact us directly at No player will be turned away due to financial inability to pay.


If you are applying for THPRD scholarship assistance, the following process MUST be completed prior to registering your player:

1) Complete and submit the THPRD scholarship application

2) THPRD will email you once your scholarship application is approved

3) Please forward this email from THPRD to and ask for a coupon code.

4) Mountainside JBO will issue you a coupon code that you can input when you register your player for the spring season.

Mountainside JBO also offers scholarships if THRPD funds are used on other sports. Please contact